perma单点润滑器,perma FUTURA工作原理
更新时间:2017-05-27 点击次数:1785次
perma FUTURA是单点润滑器*,适用于各种滚动体和平面轴承应用。 perma FUTURA特别适用于湿式操作环境中的低速至中等速度轴承。 *FUTURA的透明体允许检查活塞位置,同时集成的支撑法兰提供防止意外碰撞时的损坏。
perma单点润滑器,perma FUTURA工作原理
Simple activation with activator screw
Activation: 1, 3, 6 or 12 months

- Quick installation / tamper proof
- Simple exchange / no special tools required
- Inexpensive automatic single-point lubrication
Transparent plastic housing with integrated support flange

- Easy fill level check via position of the lubricant delivery piston
- Corrosion proof / suitable for underwater use
Ex-proof certification
Mining approval

- Safe and reliable lubrication in explosive areas
- Less exposure to safety hazards increases workplace safety
- Suitable for underground use