更新时间:2017-07-07 点击次数:1899次
润滑器是一种自主的单/多点机电润滑器。 其高25度的润滑剂喷射压力开启了常规系统不可能的新的广泛应用。 Memolub HPS可以在远离润滑点8米处远程使用。 远程安装避免危险或困难的接入点,维护人员可以安全地工作。 可以通过安装Memolub HPS来避免润滑机器停机(不可能进入,移动部件等)。 Memolub HPS也可以用作迷你中央润滑系统。 结合渐进式分配器块Memolub HPS多点润滑是降低维护成本的一种简单,经济的方式。
由于其率,MEMOLUB?可以在工作温度下泵送N.L.G.I等级2/3的油脂,基础油粘度高达15000cSt。 这意味着即使在-15°C,MEMOLUB?仍可以吸收常规的EP2润滑脂。
MEMOLUB ONE是常规微型润滑的解决方案。
设置1到12个月。凭借其10巴的压力,它可以远程安装在2米处 - 认证的ATEX - EX区域22

Accessories | References | Specifications |
Elbow fitting G1/8 – Ø8mm | 2711 | Quick elbow fitting for 8mm pipe |
Push in G1/8 – Ø8mm | 2724 | Quick fitting for 8mm pipe |
Fitting M/F M5x80 – G1/8 | 2730 | Adapter for U-M 1/8 BSP |
Fitting M/F M6x75 – G1/8 | 2731 | Adapter for U-M 1/8 BSP |
Fitting M/F M6x100 – G1/8 | 2732 | Adapter for U-M 1/8 BSP |
Fitting M/F M8x100 – G1/8 | 2733 | Adapter for U-M 1/8 BSP |
Fitting M/F M8x125 – G1/8 | 2734 | Adapter for U-M 1/8 BSP |
Fitting M/F M10x100 – G1/8 | 2735 | Adapter for U-M 1/8 BSP |
Fitting M/F M10x125 – G1/8 | 2736 | Adapter for U-M 1/8 BSP |
Fitting M/F M10x150 – G1/8 | 2737 | Adapter for U-M 1/8 BSP |
Fitting M/F M12x125 – G1/8 | 2738 | Adapter for U-M 1/8 BSP |
Fitting M/F M12x150 – G1/8 | 2739 | Adapter for U-M 1/8 BSP |
Transparent housing for refill

Accessories | References | Specifications |
Kit GIGA | 1203 | Transparent housing, locking ring, compression plate, spring, battery seal 480 cm3 |
Kit Standard PA | 121204 | Transparent housing, locking ring, compression plate, spring, battery seal 120 cm3 |
Kit MEGA PA12 | 1205 | Transparent housing, locking ring, compression plate, spring, battery seal 240 cm3 |
Transparent housing PA12 Standard | 2208 | Transparent housing in polyamide for UV et aggressive environment 120 cm3 |
Transparent housing PA12 MEGA | 2209 | Transparent housing in polyamide for UV et aggressive environment 240 cm3 |
Distributor kit

Accessories | References | Specifications |
Distributor kit 4S | 1505 | Installation kit for DB, distributor block, bracket & 2 push-in G1/8 per outlet |
Distributor kit 6S | 1506 | Installation kit for DB, distributor block, bracket & 2 push-in G1/8 per outlet |
Distributor kit 8S | 1507 | Installation kit for DB, distributor block, bracket & 2 push-in G1/8 per outlet |
Protection cover

Accessories | References | Specifications |
Protection Cover 120-240 cm3 | 2211 | Protection against water and dust 120 and 240 cm3 |
Protection cover 480 cm3 | 2212 | Protection against water and dust 480 cm3 |
Brushes and kits

Accessories | References | Specifications |
Check valve | 2801 | For using with brush or into MEMO HPS |
Brush 15mm + Adaptor | 2810 | Round brush, Animal fabrication |
Brush 30mm + Adaptor | 2811 | Round brush, Animal fabrication |
Brush 50x15mm + Adaptor | 2812 | Flat brush, Animal fabrication |