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HYDAC数显压力继电器EDS 3446-1-0250-000授权商
更新时间:2018-05-08   点击次数:1639次

HYDAC数显压力继电器EDS 3446-1-0250-000授权商
 HYDAC数显压力继电器EDS 3400的主要应用主要集中在液压,气动和制冷和空调技术。其他应用包括介质频繁变化的过程,任何残留物可能导致介质的混合或污染。
1或2个PNP晶体管开关输出,每个输出高达1.2 A的负载
可选的可逆模拟输出(4 ... 20 mA / 0 ... 10V)
根据VDMA(单元表VDMA 24574-1)的菜单导航可选,
德国贬驰顿础颁贺德克 EDS 3400功能
EDS 3400是一款集成数字显示的紧凑型电子压力开关,用于在高压范围内进行相对压力测量。为此提供带有薄膜DMS的不锈钢测量元件。该设备具有1或2个开关量输出和一个可逆模拟量输出信号(4 ... 20 mA或0 ... 10V)。 EDS 3400的一个特殊功能是可以在2个轴上旋转显示器。该装置可以在几乎任何随机的安装位置上*地对准,这意味着通常需要的机械对准适配器的附加成本被省去。 4字符数字显示器可以显示bar,psi或MPa的压力。用户可以在不同的单元之间进行选择。使用此功能,设备会根据新设备自动重新调整开关设置。另外,EDS 3400也可以使用符合DESINA?的变型。带有前平板隔膜的变型专门针对使用介质会导致堵塞,上胶或冻结标准压力连接的应用而开发。

EDS 3400

Available versions:
Standard; in conformance with DESINA®; Menu navigation in accordance with VDMA; with front-flush diaphragm

The EDS 3400 is a compact electronic pressure switch with integrated digital display for relative pressure measurement in the high-pressure range. It is provided for this purpose with a stainless steel measuring cell with thin-film DMS. The device has 1 or 2 switching outputs and one reversible analogue output signal (4 ... 20 mA or 0 ... 10V). A special feature of the EDS 3400 is the option of rotating the display in 2 axes. The device can be optimally aligned in practically any random installation position, which means that additional costs for the mechanical alignment adapter which is usually required are dispensed with. The 4-character digital display can show the pressure in bar, psi or MPa. It is possible for the user to select between the different units. With this function, the device re-scales the switching settings automatically in accordance with the new unit. In addition, the EDS 3400 is also available in a variant which conforms to DESINA®. The variant with the front-flush diaphragm was specially developed for applications in which the media used could lead to a blockage, gumming-up or freezing of a standard pressure connection. The main applications of the EDS 3400 are to be found primarily in hydraulics, pneumatics and in refrigeration and air-conditioning technology. Further applications include processes where the medium changes frequently and any residues could cause mixing or contamination of the media.

  • 1 or 2 PNP transistor switch outputs, up to 1.2 A load per output
  • Accuracy ±1% FS
  • Optional reversible analogue output (4 ... 20 mA / 0 ... 10V)
  • 4-character digital display
  • Capable of optimum alignment through rotational capability in two axes
  • Selection of value display in bar, psi or MPa
  • Simple handling through key programming
  • Switching points and reset hysteresis can be adjusted independently of one another
  • Many helpful additional functions
  • Option of terminal assignment with diagnostics function in conformance with DESINA®
  • Optional with front-flush diaphragm
  • Optional with menu navigation in accordance with VDMA (unit sheet VDMA 24574-1)

HYDAC数显压力继电器EDS 3446-1-0250-000授权商

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