更新时间:2018-03-09 点击次数:1578次
Spider67 IP67可扩展分布式I / O模块
2015-12-11Spider67 IP67可扩展分布式I / O模块
工业以太网ConnectionToday工业以太网被广泛用于信息传递和产生的工业automation.Being的综合解决方案通过工业以太网的推进,现代工业变得更加inligent.Focusing在这一市场需求,除了基于PROFIBUS那些现有的连接解决方??案,DeviceNet的, Canopen和CC-Link,ELCO通过工业以太网控制器丰富了这个大家族...
随着工业自动化的发展,接近传感器的使用变得越来越广泛,但使用条件变得越来越复杂。结果,环境温度变得更高或更低,空气更加干燥,更湿润。对小尺寸,高检测距离传感器的需求增加,因此提出了电感式传感器的使用。zui近,Elco正式推出G-Sen ...
2015-04-17 BiSS-C值编码器在高速伺服驱动系统中的应用
介绍伺服是一种反馈控制系统,其机械位移,位移速度或加速度可以进行跟踪和复制.AC伺服系统包括伺服驱动器,伺服电机,反馈装置,连接电缆和其他附件。所以高精度的编码器对于伺服系统的精度非常重要。行业背景随着数字A ...的发展,
ELCO SR22系列安全继电器
2013-11-13ELCO SR22系列安全继电器
新推出的SR22系列安全继电器厚度为22.5mm,输出和响应时间仅为10ms。其先进的Satety Ciruit设计,EMD功能和各种安全接点输出(3N.O + 1N.C)保证了其非凡的可靠性。自动/手动复位和LED指示灯用于电源,K1 / K2运动和复位。 SR22适用于监控安全窗帘,紧急停车和安全...
新型搁罢2终端继电器的宽度仅为6.2mm,广泛应用于电力,冶金和工程机械等行业。特点:●宽度仅为6.2mm - zui小化控制柜尺寸●插入式继电器 - 可更换●弹簧笼式端子,方便接线 - 可选桥接器节省布线时间和成本●AC / DC桥式整流器(24V,230V)●LED状态显示搁罢2终端继电器满足安装Dimensi ...

Spider67 IP67 Extensible Distributed I/O ModulesThe wide and increasing employment of FieldBus systems has a big impact on the automation industry. Conventional centralized controls are substituted with discrete inligent control points in the field. In order to save costs and reduce installation and maintenance time, more and more devices are transferred from the control cabinet into the field. Spider67 from Elco supports these modern installation methods with a new and revolutionary expa…

Industrial Ethernet Connection TechnologyIndustrial Ethernet ConnectionToday industrial Ethernet is widely used for information transmission and generating integrated solutions of industrial automation.Being pushed forward by industrial Ethernet, modern industry becomes more inligent.Focusing on this market demand, except for those existing connection solutions based on Profibus, DeviceNet,Canopen and CC-Link, ELCO enriched this big family by industrial Ethernet con…

G-Sens Inductive SensorsWith the development of the industrial automation, the use of proximity sensors became more and more extensive, but the use conditions became more and more complex. As a result, the ambient temperature became higher or lower, the air dustier and more humid. The demand for small size, high detection distance sensors increased and consequently the use of inductive sensors was brought forward. Recently, Elco officially launched the G-Sen…

Complete Absolute Encoder SolutionELCO’s Absolute Encoders are featured with Unique Structure and Perfect Performance against Mechanical Damage. Electrical Interfaces include Parallel, SSI, Analogue 4-20mA and Fieldbus, which are compatible with most Controllers. The Installation Modes can be divided into Shaft and Hollow Shaft. The Shaft Diameter can be up to Φ28mm. Mechanical and Electrical Multiturn Signal Measurement Technology is helpf…

Plastic Junction Box ECP8 Series (M8 interface with pre-wired cable)Nowadays, all types of automation devices in the manufacturing industry use lots of sensors, magnetic induction switches, electromagnetic valves and other controlling equipments. In order to work more efficiently, these components require power supply and signal transmission to work at the same time. Therefore, using junction boxes to integrate the components can save wires and quickly identify and solve the problems. However, the uncert…

Application of BiSS-C Absolute Encoder in High Speed Servo Drive SystemIntroduction Servo is a feedback control system in which the mechanical displacement, displacement speed or accelerated speed could be tracking and replicating accuray.AC servo system is included of servo drive, servo motor, feedback device, connection cable and other accessories. So a high-precision encoder is very important for the accuracy of the high-end servo system .Industry Background With the development of the digital A…

ELCO SR22 Series Safety RelayThe new launched SR22 Series Safety Relay with a Thickness of 22.5mm and an Output and Response Time of only 10ms. Its extraordinary reliability is guaranteed by advanced design of Satety Ciruit, EMD Function and various Safety Contact Outputs (3N.O+1N.C). Auto/Manual Reset and LED Indicatotors for Power Supply, K1/K2 Motion and Reset. SR22 is applicable for the monitoring of Safety Curtains, Emergency Stops and Safet…

RT2 Terminal RelaysThe new RT2 Terminal Relays measure only 6.2mm in width and are widely used in Power, Metallurgy and Engineering Mechanics etc. Features: ● Only 6.2mm in width - minimize the size of Control Cabinet ● Plug-in Relay - esay to replace ● Spring Cage Terminals for easy wiring - Optional Bridges save wiring time and costs ● AC/DC Bridge Rectifier (24V, 230V) ● LED Status Display RT2 Terminal Relays fulfill demands of Mounting Dimensi…

Connectivity SystemELCO Distribution Boxes and Connectors are used to connect Sensors, Actuators and Controllers to replace the traditional Terminal Box Connection. The Connectors include Single-ended, Double-ended and Pre-wired Connectors, Y-Splitters and Field-attachable Connectors. Metal and Plastic Distribution Boxes are available.

Spider67 IP67 Extensible Distributed I/O ModulesThe wide and increasing employment of FieldBus systems has a big impact on the automation industry. Conventional centralized controls are substituted with discrete inligent control points in the field. In order to save costs and reduce installation and maintenance time, more and more devices are transferred from the control cabinet into the field. Spider67 from Elco supports these modern installation methods with a new and revolutionary expa…

Industrial Ethernet Connection TechnologyIndustrial Ethernet ConnectionToday industrial Ethernet is widely used for information transmission and generating integrated solutions of industrial automation.Being pushed forward by industrial Ethernet, modern industry becomes more inligent.Focusing on this market demand, except for those existing connection solutions based on Profibus, DeviceNet,Canopen and CC-Link, ELCO enriched this big family by industrial Ethernet con…

G-Sens Inductive SensorsWith the development of the industrial automation, the use of proximity sensors became more and more extensive, but the use conditions became more and more complex. As a result, the ambient temperature became higher or lower, the air dustier and more humid. The demand for small size, high detection distance sensors increased and consequently the use of inductive sensors was brought forward. Recently, Elco officially launched the G-Sen…

Complete Absolute Encoder SolutionELCO’s Absolute Encoders are featured with Unique Structure and Perfect Performance against Mechanical Damage. Electrical Interfaces include Parallel, SSI, Analogue 4-20mA and Fieldbus, which are compatible with most Controllers. The Installation Modes can be divided into Shaft and Hollow Shaft. The Shaft Diameter can be up to Φ28mm. Mechanical and Electrical Multiturn Signal Measurement Technology is helpf…

Plastic Junction Box ECP8 Series (M8 interface with pre-wired cable)Nowadays, all types of automation devices in the manufacturing industry use lots of sensors, magnetic induction switches, electromagnetic valves and other controlling equipments. In order to work more efficiently, these components require power supply and signal transmission to work at the same time. Therefore, using junction boxes to integrate the components can save wires and quickly identify and solve the problems. However, the uncert…

Application of BiSS-C Absolute Encoder in High Speed Servo Drive SystemIntroduction Servo is a feedback control system in which the mechanical displacement, displacement speed or accelerated speed could be tracking and replicating accuray.AC servo system is included of servo drive, servo motor, feedback device, connection cable and other accessories. So a high-precision encoder is very important for the accuracy of the high-end servo system .Industry Background With the development of the digital A…

ELCO SR22 Series Safety RelayThe new launched SR22 Series Safety Relay with a Thickness of 22.5mm and an Output and Response Time of only 10ms. Its extraordinary reliability is guaranteed by advanced design of Satety Ciruit, EMD Function and various Safety Contact Outputs (3N.O+1N.C). Auto/Manual Reset and LED Indicatotors for Power Supply, K1/K2 Motion and Reset. SR22 is applicable for the monitoring of Safety Curtains, Emergency Stops and Safet…

RT2 Terminal RelaysThe new RT2 Terminal Relays measure only 6.2mm in width and are widely used in Power, Metallurgy and Engineering Mechanics etc. Features: ● Only 6.2mm in width - minimize the size of Control Cabinet ● Plug-in Relay - esay to replace ● Spring Cage Terminals for easy wiring - Optional Bridges save wiring time and costs ● AC/DC Bridge Rectifier (24V, 230V) ● LED Status Display RT2 Terminal Relays fulfill demands of Mounting Dimensi…

Connectivity SystemELCO Distribution Boxes and Connectors are used to connect Sensors, Actuators and Controllers to replace the traditional Terminal Box Connection. The Connectors include Single-ended, Double-ended and Pre-wired Connectors, Y-Splitters and Field-attachable Connectors. Metal and Plastic Distribution Boxes are available.