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What are the new development opportunities for the construction machinery industry in 2017?
Time:2017-4-20 14:23:41  Views:1594

Construction machinery industry since the recovery this year, industry sales growth is expected to exceed the previous market doubled expectations, strong recovery momentum. 2017 is the national supply side of the reform of the critical period, but also another round of construction machinery industry development began, engineering machinery companies clutching the opportunity.

"Along the way" to further accelerate

According to the data released by industry agencies, China's construction machinery industry is still in the basic stage of the process, export sales accounted for 30% of total business enterprises, few and less.

The United States election dust settled, domestic policy support and the devaluation of the renminbi and a series of factors, will promote the "area along the way" to further accelerate, more major projects will achieve landing, the construction machinery industry will have to look forward to the development prospects.

Infrastructure construction starts peak year

2017 fixed asset investment target size has more than 50 trillion, while the Academy of Social Sciences released the "Economic Blue Book" is expected in 2017 the total investment in fixed assets will reach 67.1 trillion yuan, the number is not surprising. From the actual experience after the reform and opening up, the second year of each five-year plan for the infrastructure project started peak years. 2017 is the "thirteen five plan" the second year, in this node ushered in the peak, is in line with historical laws. In fact, benefiting from the relevant infrastructure investment, to the three-year-old construction machinery enterprises in the second half of 2016 appeared to pick up the momentum, and successfully through to 2017.

Thirteen five "project focused on the start

According to the "long-term railway network planning", "transport infrastructure major project construction three-year action plan" and other national planning, China will focus on promoting the construction of transport infrastructure projects. 2017 infrastructure investment growth will remain at about 20% level, the overall size is expected to 16 trillion yuan.

In general, the "thirteen five" project to promote the general path for the 2016 is the signing of the year, 2017 is the landing year. After a long period of preparation and running, projects across the country from the wind to the streamers, the infrastructure and the economy to bring more substantial contribution. In a sense, the implementation of large-scale construction projects will inevitably be able to digest the problem of overcapacity of domestic construction machinery, thus the development of construction machinery industry in 2017 also played a considerable role in promoting.

Industry will usher in "change tide"

Engineering machinery and equipment out of the cycle is about 8 years. From the peak of equipment sales in 2008 so far, a large number of equipment need to be replaced. Industry estimates, 2017, more than 700 million units of construction machinery market, there will be about 2.4 million old equipment is gradually eliminated, which will serve the new machine sales market to make an effective market space for the pull The market demand for construction machinery plays a positive role.

According to the relevant provisions of GB20891-2014, April 1, 2016, the industry enterprises to stop the sale of a country equipped with diesel engine 9. The enforcement of the national standard will also allow a large number of existing equipment to be withdrawn from use, making room for new equipment. With the policy market performance began to show, 2017, the construction machinery industry will usher in a wave of "change tide."

In-depth implementation of "Made in China 2025"

The central government put forward the strategic plan of "Made in China 2025", and strived to make China into the ranks of manufacturing power through 10 years of efforts to lay a solid foundation for China to build China with global leadership and influence in 2045.

"Made in China 2025" made on China's construction machinery manufacturing industry is a new opportunity. Construction machinery manufacturing industry's high-end development of the relationship between the people's livelihood, affecting all aspects of our lives, from daily construction to national defense development is different, called the national economic life an important foundation, no wonder the government has repeatedly stressed this strategic initiative.

Ministry of Industry and Trade Minister Miao Wei recently said on many occasions that 2017 will be the full implementation of China's "China made 2025" strategy key year, the Ministry of Industry and other relevant departments will also introduce a series of initiatives to promote the "Made in China 2025" Manufacturing industry in a comprehensive transformation and upgrading.

Construction machinery enterprises should seize the market, adjust the product structure and marketing strategy, strengthen internal strength, improve product quality, customer service at the same time, to win their own development.

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