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Analysis of the development status of construction machinery industry Market demand "supply in short supply"
Time:2018-7-25 14:37:53  Views:3298
This year, both in June and January to June, construction machinery sales reached new highs. In the past few years, the sales of various types of excavation machinery products in the past market, the real estate industry and investment in large-scale infrastructure projects are the two main consumer markets. But in 2018, the year-on-year figures for these two downstream sectors were not as beautiful as they were supposed to be. In the rural market, the trend of mechanical substitution artificial appears, and the proportion of consumer demand driven by it can be estimated to reach 40%-50%. The arrival of the inventory market renewal cycle has also pushed the construction machinery industry to record new highs.
Overall operation of construction machinery
The 25 mainframe manufacturing enterprises that were included in the statistics from January to June 2018 sold a total of 120,123 types of excavation machinery products, a year-on-year increase of 60.0%.
From January to May 2018, China's loader sales totaled 49,278 units, 13461 truck cranes and 3,774 bulldozers, all of which have reached record highs. After experiencing the bottoming out of 2016, China's construction machinery industry has reached record highs in terms of total sales, sales, and corporate profit margin.
Construction machinery products are out of stock, and the notched products mainly include lifting machinery, pump trucks and large excavator products.
Rural market boosts development
During the rebound period from 2016 to 2017, excavator products increased significantly, while concrete and crane products increased relatively little. The market with the main position in the countryside is one of the driving forces for China's construction machinery industry to continue to improve. This is also an important factor in the industry's prosperity this year, which is different from the previous round of the rising cycle.
The upgrading of the construction machinery industry is another major consumer of the construction machinery industry. The life cycle of general construction machinery products is 8-10 years, and the sales peak of the previous round was concentrated around 2008. In addition, with the tightening of national environmental protection supervision, it has also promoted the upgrading of products. Taking excavators as an example, the current market holdings are about 1.3 million units, and the cumulative sales volume in 2017 is about 130,000 units. The gap is expected to be gradually replaced in subsequent markets.
Corporate shuffling to increase industry concentration
In 2011, more than 100 construction machinery companies and even some consumer goods companies across the country also entered the construction machinery market. After the last round of shuffling, only 20 companies survived, which increased the concentration of the industry. Therefore, it is reflected that each company has more demand for expansion.
From the customer base of Sany Heavy Industry, the sales of small excavators account for a higher proportion. Large excavators are mainly focused on the expansion needs of some companies. In terms of pump trucks, sales of small and low-priced pump trucks are generally larger, while in cranes, large-tonnage cranes are mainly used for wind power hoisting, while small-tonnage cranes are more suitable for the general market.
The industry is also relatively cautious about future market predictions. The future market is difficult to decline, but it will enter a relatively stable cycle. From the perspective of market segments, excavators and cranes may have entered historical peaks relatively, while concrete machinery has been adjusted the most in the last cycle, and its peak is not yet expected. When you reach it, the boom cycle will last longer.
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