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2019 Small trends and major trends in the construction machinery industry
Time:2019-2-18 10:32:49  Views:1841
2019 is a year worth looking forward to for the construction machinery industry. Opportunities and risks coexist. Supply-side reforms, the Belt and Road Initiative and other favorable factors still exist, but under the main theme of the country's adherence to "high-quality development", the construction machinery industry is also full of opportunities and challenges, so it is particularly important to look at the industry development trend.
From the perspective of the development trend of the industry, in order to realize the transition from a large engineering machinery country to a construction machinery powerhouse, China must upgrade its quality and efficiency, transform and upgrade, and in the context of “Internet + digitalization”, it is intelligent and electrified. Automation is the focus of the industry's development, and the original business model will gradually be replaced by a new business model; from a small trend, the original trading rules are broken, new sales and trading methods will be generated. Below, we will analyze the small trends and major trends of the construction machinery industry in 2019.
"Small trend" forecast:
a, trading rules
Breaking: Business rules for providing products and services to end customers
In the late 1990s, the industry was dominated by “multi-distributor systems”.
Due to the non-exclusive nature of distribution qualifications, everyone will pay more attention to short-term operations;
Dealers compete with each other in vicious competition, price wars, site wars, and cross-regional wars are frequently staged;
In the end, everyone is based on one party, the form is equal, and the financial strength and resource capacity do not form a good foundation.
Gradually, after 2000, it gradually evolved into a "regional exclusive agency system."
This change in trading rules has led everyone to focus on the management and management of medium and long-term investment and planning;
In the past ten years, many excellent, regional scale and standardized agents have emerged, and their capital and resource capabilities have been fully accumulated.
In 19 years, this trading rule will be broken from multiple dimensions! ! !
Such as: the manufacturer's strategic customers, the manufacturer to establish an operating leasing company;
The equipment purchased by these customers and provided for leasing will break the rules of the exclusive agent in the existing area, and the stars will enter all areas of the country.
Such as: the operating lease of the agent + sales method of sales;
It will also become one of the domino forces pushed into the existing rules.
Such as: the phenomenon of buying new machines by used car dealers, low price and no regional sales;
This widely distributed and intensive force is also the fire of the stars that breaks the existing rules.
Also: bulk equipment purchase customers, operating leasing companies, industrial finance companies, etc., they may become buyers and sellers of new batch equipment, they will not consider the regional restrictions, they are "God."
b, the price
Price cuts: price wars for several types of host products
Under the influence of multiple industry development factors, coupled with the intensified horizontal competition among manufacturers in the industry, and the product has sufficient profit margins, the 19-year price war between new and old machines has emerged.
In the future, with the concentration of customers, the scale of channel vendors, and the localization of core components, this trend of price cuts will intensify.
c, sales method
Rent and sale integration
In the past sales methods, it was a business policy to provide customers with more choices.
The integration of rental and sales, the first choice for the customer is the right to choose the property:
Allowing customers to choose their own or rent or buy decisions based on their own business needs, reducing the risk of decision-making for customers to purchase assets.
This change in sales method will also break the boundaries of the business area:
Companies with asset management and service capabilities will have more business opportunities.
The promulgation and multi-dimensional connection of these regulations and policies have put forward higher legality and normative requirements for the operation of the second mobile phone transactions, parts retail, maintenance services, and large-scale logistics in the industry.
In addition, the application of new technologies such as the Internet, big data, and AI has turned the supervision from a person to a data system:
Let illegal and non-compliance be nowhere to be seen; let the benign competition between enterprises form a fair basis.
to sum up:
From the intra-industry and national policy levels, the two-dimensional "small trend" is omnipresent in fission, evolution, and mutual push, which will inevitably catalyze new opportunities for the industry's "megatrends."
This will give the industry another glory and another era.
"megatrend" forecast
We have reason to believe that the "megatrend" will appear in two ways:
a, business model upgrade
The new model will emerge in an endless stream, whether it is Internet +, + Internet, or online + offline, or Internet of Things +, or + Internet of Things, in short, you can't stop.
However, no matter which mode is upgraded, it will bring new opportunities and challenges to the traditional channel management method;
b, channel integration
Existing agents will appear two-way:
One is large, wide and strong, one is small and specialized, and the center will evolve or exit to both ends.
Newly entered channel vendors or platform vendors are also eager to try:
Or is it to join; or to build alliances; or to be authorized, have adopted the empowerment or branding methods to quickly establish a large and wide channel network;
Vientiane is born, rivers and lakes reappear!
In the end, the results will eventually form a “big platform channel” and a “big channel platform”.
No longer "you are you", "I am me":
But you have me in me, I have you in it;
But you need me, and I can't live without you;
But the money you make is yours and me, and the money I earn is also mine and you.
2. Conversion and application of new technologies
Intelligent, motorized, automated
a, intelligent
Continuously and continuously collect device identity, performance, location, and operational data through various sensors installed by the manufacturer and intelligent terminals installed on the market;
Then transfer, store, and calculate the data;
Provide analysis and calculation results to the industry chain research / production / transportation / management / sales / service / debt and various roles:
- Manufacturers, distributors, customers, and related parties such as government, associations, finance, insurance, and logistics.
b, electrification
With the promotion of national emission reduction and environmental protection policies, there is continuous optimization of battery technology;
The engineering machinery of electric drive and telex will be applied to various construction sites.
c, automation
With the continuous rise of labor costs and the need for safe operation;
The multi-adaptive requirements of the scope of work, the high efficiency of work and the promotion of low cost.
Automated driving and automated construction may soon become a reality.
In summary, the application and opening of these new technologies not only improve the safety, efficiency and cost structure of the overall industry, but also generate more new transactions and service scenarios.
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