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Engineering Machinery path of sustainable development
Time:2013-6-28 11:00:02  Views:1410

After years of rapid development, China's construction machinery industry has begun turning speed growth, China's construction machinery industry development pattern in a decade of development, economic restructuring has achieved remarkable results, as China's economic development one important pillar industry of construction machinery production and sales have now have leapt to the world, is rapidly increasing comprehensive strength, international competitiveness and industry position has also been greatly improved.

China Construction Machinery Industry Association, the industry adapt to the orbit of the process, to strengthen self-discipline, standardize the market competition, the industry is not conducive to the development of the bad habits of the temptation to fall, so as to favor the healthy and sustainable development. "

Enhance the brand and technical strength

Market is a double-edged sword, often both opportunities and challenges

"In the current development situation, companies must first attitude adjustment, rapid growth has not now be the goal, the most important question current business is to continue to enhance the brand and technical strength." Lu Ying analysis, from the current situation to look, even though the industry is in the transition phase, but construction machinery market demand remains strong, global market demand is still very impressive. In the past era of rapid growth, companies lose ground blindly pursue expansion and market share, resulting in the industry, there are many problems to be solved, and now the development of the industry into the fast growth period, just have time to resolve the past did not have the conditions to digest some of the issue.

This is a development of the industry to a certain extent by the stage will go through, enterprises should recognize some changes and adjustments to adapt to the current state of development of the industry. Passive adjustment from the past, into the present initiative to adjust, to focus on the urgent need to enhance the company's current deep-rooted problems to be solved, such as the level of management, R & D capabilities and other aspects.

Currently, the domestic brands and foreign brands compared to the recognition of the user in mind there is a gap, a number of foreign companies products in the international and domestic brands have a stable market position and loyal users. "Users have their own yardstick to measure the quality of products, quality long-term stability, reliability, cost-effective brand recognition of the extent of it high in the market despite the high price of some foreign products, but no matter how the market development, and always sell relatively stable. and domestic enterprises in this regard, there is obviously insufficient, need to redouble our efforts. "Lu Ying said that in future, the conditions and the rapid expansion of the space industry's rapid growth is difficult to re-appear, but there is potential for development of the industry, which requires the user to improve product quality, performance and other aspects of multi-brand awareness efforts.

Spring plumbing ducks

In this regard, some of the strategic vision of the enterprise, the rapid development of the industry has been aware of this problem. Today the market downturn, some companies did not decline or declined slightly, even on individual indicators also rose steadily. Such as XCMG has exceeded 100 billion yuan mark; Zoomlion profit growth breakthrough; recently in the global media authority issued a global engineering machinery 50 list, Sany ranked fifth worldwide; According to the latest statistics, Anhui Forklift sales in March this year, both exceeded million units.

"These companies not only in the development of a strategic vision, but also on the development of its own and has a deep understanding of the industry," Lu Ying said. He suggested that, in the current market environment is not very stable, every business must identify their market position as soon as possible, the timely development of a development strategy under the new situation, especially in improving product quality and more cost-effective to be under big effort.

Standardize the market competition

Currently, the price war has become an unavoidable problem. Companies vying for market share in the process, take a zero down payment, low down payment reward sales model, has led to a significant increase in accounts receivable, business risks. Here, Lu Ying appeal, companies should remain rational and healthy competition, calm face market competition.

In addition, the current China's construction machinery market, overcapacity problem still exists. Hydraulic excavator, for example, the country has formed a production capacity of more than 600,000 units, higher than the 2012 global market sales. The same situation in some other construction machinery products exist to varying degrees.

The second half of 2011 to the end of 2012, the construction machinery industry in this period of adjustment, it is a good thing for the development of the industry, so that the entire industry can seriously think about how to face the adverse situation, how hard skills, sound development issues. Currently, the state policy of steady growth stimulating effect is emerging, in 2013 the industry overall situation is good. Of course, the industry should be restored to previous levels in 2011 is still very difficult. But as president of the Construction Machinery Industry Association Qi Jun judged, in general, over the next 20 years, the industry will have good prospects; industry will continue to develop steadily, the ups and downs of the phenomenon will be rare.

Promote sustainable development

Currently, the industry overall, showing negative growth, but that does not mean the industry in decline, this can only be regarded as a steady growth from rapid growth to a process of "growing pains." But this time how long it takes to spend, Lu Ying, "How long horizontal, vertical how much there" with the stock market to describe the "growing pains" to continue the time span.

"Only a decade of rapid growth this accumulation of these problems are digested, enterprise development will stabilize, in order to truly transition to sustainable development stages." Lu Ying said. At present, China's construction machinery industry structure in mechanical engineering to change the world, while also trying to change the current industry problems in their own development. Development of the industry needs policy support, we need to work together, in Lu Ying seems to improve a direction of domestic enterprises for high precision and advanced production capacity which is needed efforts. In large construction machinery, for example, due to its complex manufacturing technology, manufacturing difficulties large and small production volume, high-value, high operational risks, in front of the national "Tenth Five Plan" put a lot of engineering machinery enterprises are unable to get involved. Because large national infrastructure, petrochemical, metallurgy, electric power and other construction projects require planning in developed countries focus on the urgent need to establish a large-scale construction machinery and equipment development goals national "Eleventh Five."

In support of the national series of industrial policy and fiscal policy, a number of key enterprises currently on the international market has been able to manufacture a common 26 kinds of construction machinery products, its quality is not inferior to foreign products. Among them, the large crawler cranes, all terrain cranes, large bulldozers, large concrete pump, pavers and other products sold around the world.

In enterprises to promote the production of high precision tip of the process, an important issue to be resolved is still the key to matching pieces of large equipment mainly rely on imports. Due to construction machinery operating environment is extremely poor, and therefore requires a high of accessories, at present, control systems, key components of high-performance engines, high pressure hydraulic parts, such as high strength ductile iron housing members are dependent on foreign brands or imports. Statistics show that despite strong export foundry industry, but China's exports are mostly low-end castings, while foreign imports into the Chinese market, in turn, is the casting of high-end products. Constraints fittings aspects, but also on a development of the industry challenges.

Fortunately, the construction machinery industry and related upstream industries are making unprecedented efforts to develop high-end products supporting part, the trial has achieved initial results. Government departments have also given a great deal of attention and support from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, led the high-end engineering machinery hydraulic components and systems industry collaborative work platform has begun running. I believe in the near future, construction machinery key component parts can not only meet the domestic market demand, but also can provide high performance, high value-added products to foreign companies. By then, the dream of power engineering machinery industry will no longer be a dream.

Previous-2013 sales in the first quarter narrowed to 5% loader Next-Engineering machinery industry remain competitive advantage
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