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China good prospects for robust machinery orders
Time:2014-6-23 11:29:16  Views:1551

In 2014 the global economy continues to recover, especially the United States economic recovery of the data shows good quantitative easing policy has ushered in a turning point, the unemployment rate is gradually reduced. Europe's economy is gradually coming out from the shadow of the debt crisis, I believe that the worst is over the global economy. 2013, global investment in infrastructure projects amounting to approximately 45,080 million, most of which grow from developing countries. The amount of investment in infrastructure projects in developing countries by a CAGR of approximately 7.8% increase, an increase of about 28,720 from 2009 billion to $ 2013 to about 38,790 billion dollars.

After the global financial crisis, the international engineering contractors sluggish market conditions began to take the local market, and then move towards opening up new markets in developing countries, these developing countries are generally recorded a relatively strong economic growth, and its antiquated infrastructure in response to the increasing private and public fixed capital expenditure. In 2013, the total amount of the global market infrastructure projects approximately 9,479 new contracts billion, among the developing countries in the total amount of infrastructure projects in 2013 amounted to approximately 8,643 new contracts billion, accounting for the global market of new infrastructure projects The total contract amount of about 91.2%.

In 2013, the new contract amount of electricity in developing countries, transport and telecommunications segments together accounted for infrastructure projects in developing countries, the total amount of the project a new contract about 84.5%, of which electrical energy, transport and telecommunications segments, respectively accounted for approximately 37.3%, 29.3% and 17.9% above amount. Chinese Mechanical Engineering as an international project contracting and service sector enterprises, mainly focused on EPC projects, especially in the electric power industry expertise. Group's international engineering contracting business is one of the company's traditional core business, accounting for about 71.8% of total 2013 revenue. Due to the global infrastructure projects mainly in developing countries, while developing countries economy is in a period of rapid growth, less affected by the global recession, which provides a solid foundation for continued growth and results of the Group.

Chinese Mechanical Engineering (01829) in the international engineering contracting (IEC) has signed pending the entry into force of the contract backlog amounts to $ 8.2 billion, respectively, to maintain $ 13.5 billion. IEC Group expects revenue to double-digit growth. Group orders in the international engineering business is very competitive, in March this year and Congo (Brazzaville) signed Noire City Lome new water plant project contract, covering the construction of a production of 5,250 cubic meters per hour of potable water treatment plant . Company as general contractor, turnkey approach will be responsible for the design, supply, civil construction, installation, training, commissioning and warranty work. Contract amount of approximately $ 246 million, duration of about 36 months. This will bring the company a few years catalyst for future performance. In the negative, the Group recorded a 368 million yuan foreign exchange foreign exchange losses, but was offset in part by long-term contracts to profit, with? Yuan this year, the situation began to depreciate in the foreign exchange losses this piece will be a negative impact on the performance of future weakened.

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