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Germany in construction machinery trade is not a one-way street
Time:2014-9-18 11:38:33  Views:1607

Trading has never been one-way. 2013 full year, China's exports of machinery and equipment to the German trade total 33 billion yuan. Germany in the EU is now China's largest trading partner. And after a long period of growth, the German machinery and equipment manufacturing exports to China but in the past two years has decreased. 2013, VDMA member companies have delivered equipment worth 141 billion yuan to China. This means that although the German machinery and equipment exports to China last year, a decrease of 3.7%, but China still is Germany's most important sales in the global market. Dr. Festge said: "We expect the current trend of German exports to China are still no indications of an increase, however, we are still on the export situation in the second quarter of 2014 remain optimistic and hope that in the second half of this year to have a better performance, achieve 2014 German exports to China of machinery and equipment is expected to single-digit growth. "

Meanwhile Festge Dr. stressed, VDMA member companies in China manufacturing data, is not included in the export data. Therefore, China's equipment manufacturing market share in Germany than German exports to China share higher. Through the production and exports to other countries and regions in China, German manufacturing but also for improving China's reputation as a technology center to make a contribution.

However, exports of machinery and equipment is only part of the Sino-German bilateral cooperation. In the past decade, China is already the world's best investment among the best in the country. China has become the world's second-largest country in the German manufacturing sector foreign investment. German machinery manufacturing industry, China's direct investment from 2004's 5.7 billion yuan increased to 2012 of 40 billion yuan. "China immediately after the United States, is Germany's most important business in the overseas branch of the stage can be sure, the next few years, the number of branches of our member companies in China will exceed the number in the United States." Dr. Festge said.

China there is a huge opportunity

"If you want long-term development of enterprises in China need to be clear in the end products to hit the market strategy." VDMA chief Ms. Heydolph said. China's machinery and equipment has huge potential demand. In the next 15 years, two-thirds of China's population will settle in the city. The process of urbanization is bound to bring the replacement of technical equipment. Garbage collection, wastewater treatment, urban water supply, food hygiene, air pollution control, urban traffic problems are facing a series of challenges. Machinery and equipment from Germany in many ways hydropower, wind energy utilization and environmental protection have a proven solution. These technologies will continue over the next decade in a leading position.

German equipment manufacturers in the global development industry has been for many years. The next step is focused on industrial 4.0 and innovative products and product ideas. VDMA fully believe these innovations give the manufacturing industry has brought new opportunities. Dr. Festge say "Industry 4.0" refers to a complex technological revolution, the entire value-added chain from the inside out reversed. This year's Hanover Fair audience has grown from 15 exhibitors in Germany, where the industry saw the demo 4.0. In simple terms, industrial purposes 4.0 is the traditional computerized production processes, the establishment of a smart factory. Through extensive digital connection to connect all economic production units and integrated production suppliers, customers and business partners. This allows more rapid and flexible response to customer needs, you can achieve more economical small quantities, diversified production, which again enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. These technologies in everyday applications has been applied and tested, for example in the field of machine tools, forklifts and cleaning equipment. And in electric cars and hybrid drive technology field, you can also see a similar future.

Intellectual Property Protection

Investment in R & D, is an indispensable factor in long-term development of a business. This is why many companies are so much importance to the company's latest development could provide effective protection economic environment, which is related to the problem of pirated products. This year in April, the International Industrial Fair in Hannover, Germany, VDMA once again made ​​a survey on product piracy. 2013 German manufacturing suffered because of piracy and lost sales reached about 65 billion yuan, which means about 30,008 one thousand potential jobs. China is undoubtedly the hardest hit by piracy, three-quarters of respondents said they were originally pirated goods are occurring in China. Dr. Festge said VDMA been working with the Chinese government and relevant agencies to implement IPR protection down. Because of the piracy problem, the question now is not just foreign experience, but also has the challenge of innovation capacity of Chinese enterprises.

VDMA executive president Mr. Brodtmann said, "In the next 5-10 years, sustainable development will be an important strategic VDMA concern." While China's economic development will also be faced with enormous challenges and move towards more sustainable development model. China and Germany in the future focus areas, such as energy development and environmental protection technology, transportation and infrastructure, will have good prospects for cooperation, the German machinery and equipment manufacturing industry has a mature technology and innovative ideas are bound for China's economic development provide support.

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