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2016 environmental present situation of construction machinery industry: policy construction
Time:2016-7-13 9:59:49  Views:1453

According to industry analysts, construction machinery industry are suffering from overcapacity, weak market demand, a sharp drop in profits etc "depth adjustment" test. In the long run, engineering machinery is mainly driven by two factors of population, economic growth, reflected in the index, the long-term potential of urbanization rate of construction machinery. China's urbanization rate has just crossed the 55%, from the experience of developed countries, a country's urbanization rate to 75%~80% just ended a large-scale construction process. Annual growth in China's current urbanization rate of about 1%, according to estimates, about China construction machinery faces up to 20 years. Domestic construction machinery industry greatly influenced by cyclical, stocks still need some time.

Then, construction machinery environment at home and abroad have any impact?

Battle of transition: China will usher in a golden five years

On May 28, 2016, the transformation of war: Made in China and then thousands of people based on class, Xiaobo Wu pointed out that, with the spirit of Internet tools, artisans and capital operation, transformation and upgrading of China's manufacturing industry to achieve over the next five years will be made in China's Gold five years.

And on in this Hall transformation lectures Shang, you will often heard this class of story, also seems to is confirmed gold five years of coming: a do foreign trade generation workers of enterprise spent has 5 years of time do has a paragraph headphones, not only was Wall Street daily, media as annual innovation products, also into has Apple of store; a retail industry through innovation in last year achieved has billions of Yuan of sales; a clothing enterprise is build flexible line, for including Ma, and Liu, custom clothing......

For the transformation and upgrading of China's manufacturing, civil society in its efforts to promote, more country top design push. On May 8, 2015, 2025, official issuing the made in China, the Chinese Government implemented a manufacturing strategy for the first decade of the programme of action. One years Hou, circular of the and issued on carried out consumer industrial "three products" special action create good market environment of several views, proposed to implement implementation Central, and State on advance supply side structural reform, and promote industrial stability growth adjustable structure increased benefits and construction manufacturing power of decision deployment, better meet and created consumption needs, constantly enhanced consumption pull economic of based role, promote consumer industrial towards in the high-end.

Industrial 4.0 will let China productivity 25%

In China, the Government's "Thirteen-Five" project, industrial 4.0 and "made in China" 2025 "was listed as the top priority of the strategy. The Boston Consulting Group (hereinafter referred to as BCG) two recent reports show that using industry 4.0 technology will make the production efficiency of Chinese Enterprise 25%, thus generating an additional 6 trillion yuan in added value, and affects millions of workers.

On May 17, the BCG partner and global Managing Director, Turre, senior partner and global Managing Director CAI Lu Jie, Global Managing Director of Xu Yang and global Managing Director Gu Keli told the 21st century business Herald in an interview in Beijing.

It is understood that, although full implementation of industrial 4.0 technology require 20 years of time, but the next 5-10 years substantial advances in technology will make winners and losers is widening the gap between. Xu Yang believes that in this process, Germany no doubt walked in front, speed depends on the Governments of the other countries will and industrial base.

China "actually exists in a late-developing advantage, because if the Chinese Government is determined to do something, to resources, policies and funds will be easily attracted to advanced technology. "However, Xu Yang said, should be alert to industry 4.0 image project, but rather to make systematic upgrading of manufacturing and industry chain in China.

BCG report noted that 9 digital technology will be key to the industry 4.0, including automatic robots, additive manufacturing, augmented reality technology, simulation technology, horizontal and vertical integration, industrial networking, cloud computing, network security, and data analysis.

Although there is a gap in the production of automatic machines, Turre pointed out that China has a clear advantage in the big data analytics and cloud computing, particularly in the service sector, which will also be in the field of industrial development. "The development of China's Internet ecosystem around the world should say leading, at least compared to other developed countries are not lagging too far behind. ”

State's policy support to promote construction

Held on May 19 in Yunnan Expressway ring road project to promote the meeting was informed that the city economic zone in Central Yunnan Expressway ring road currently has 14 projects have been started, the remaining 2 projects will be completed by the end of the approved construction, construction of the expressway ring road in Central Yunnan to further accelerate.

According to reports, the total scale of highway network in urban economic circle in Central Yunnan 3784 km, has opened to 1820 km 764 km under construction. The "Thirteen-Five" period, the new 1200 kilometers of Expressway. 553 km the highway link, high into the network of 183 km, remaining 370 km from fighting for the country's high net radiation, 337 kilometers high net 119 km line has entered the country; tie line 310 kilometers, has entered the high-net 100 km. Urban economic circle in Central Yunnan expressway network covers the Kunming and Qujing, Yuxi and Chuxiong and Honghe Prefecture throughout North 7 counties, realized in 49 counties (districts) Expressway.

National development and Reform Commission approved in April-solid cast item 138.8 billion

May 12 national development and Reform Commission published macro-economic operation and respond to hot spots, said April 13 fixed assets approved by the national development and Reform Commission had in total approved investment projects, total investment of 138.8 billion yuan. 3 including water conservancy project, with a total investment of 800 million Yuan; 4 traffic infrastructure projects, with a total investment of 128.8 billion yuan; 2 energy project, with a total investment of 6.7 billion yuan; 2 high-tech and information technology projects, with a total investment of 400 million Yuan and 2 other projects, with a total investment of 2.1 billion yuan. It is reported that these projects are mainly concentrated in the fields of water conservancy, communications and energy.

Advocated that the Government buy the two ministries to promote manufacturing upgrading

May 18, national NDRC, and Ministry released on implementation manufacturing upgrade transformation major engineering package of notification (following referred to notification), clear implementation manufacturing upgrade transformation major engineering package, insisted innovation drive coordination development, and manpower advance traditional industry upgrade and industries development, promoted manufacturing towards high-end of, and intelligent of, and green of, and service of, and determine has intelligent of transformation, and based capacity upgrade, and green manufacturing promotion, 10 big focus engineering.

10 major projects to promote industry upgrading

Weber Institute of economic research, analysis on Teng Tai told reporters, such as the manufacturing of "hard money" to increase the soft values, this requires transformation and upgrading of our manufacturing sector.

The circular pointed out that through 3 years of hard work, manufacturing value added grew by more than 7% above designated size, average annual growth of investment in technological upgrading of enterprises 15%. Establish a "Government buy" concept, through government purchasing, ordering and purchasing services to support innovative products.

"The difficult period in the manufacturing sector, the Government should play a leading role. "The Bank of communications (5.260,-0.02,-0.38%), Lian ping, Chief Economist of the economic daily news said," we buy "is also an international practice.

However, China Center for international economic exchanges, Deputy Information Minister, Wang, a researcher at the special cautions that such a policy must pay attention to grasp a sense of propriety, should not become permanent, mandatory policy to avoid "Enterprise lay in the arms of the Government" thing happens.

Department of Commerce: "along the way" the State investment in the fast-growing

According to statistics, in January-April, China's non-financial direct investment of 391.45 billion yuan (60.08 billion dollars), an increase of 71.8%; contracted projects new contract 384.02 billion yuan (58.94 billion dollars), an increase of 3.8% end of April I to 983,000 people all kinds of labour.

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