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Xiamen Sicci Share Co., Ltd.
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Aug. major construction machinery sales data analysis
Time:2014-9-18 11:36:50  Views:1690

[Domestic] market sales decreased significantly

August, the domestic market bulldozer 280 units, up 208 units has shrunk, down 42.62%; August total sales of 3899 units, down 855 units, a decline of 17.98 percent, the month, and total sales fell more than the overall industry decline, the domestic market has become the industry the dominant factor in the overall sales decline.

The provinces, the provinces and cities nationwide over 60% of sales fell that month, including Shandong, Hubei, Shanxi decreased 33,25,21 Taiwan, Beijing, Anhui, Hunan, Liaoning, Jiangsu also dropped significantly, to a large extent influence the total domestic sales amount; while Xinjiang, Shaanxi year on year increase of 8 units, the largest increment for the provinces, Chongqing, Tibet and other western provinces show growth. Sales of the larger provinces as follows: 28 units in Xinjiang, Jiangsu and 23 units.

[Overseas sales is less than the same period]

Total exports in August 1935 units, down 211 units, a decline of 9.83%; month export 203 units, down 54 units, a decline of 21.01%.

Each horsepower segment products overseas market performance: 220,230 horsepower products favored by overseas markets, the month sales 107 units, for the first time topped the sales charts overseas each horsepower segment, accounting for the proportion of total exports up 52.71 percent; 160, 165 horsepower products in overseas markets blocked, the whole month export 54 units, accounting for 26.60 percent of total exports, the two figures are new lows; smooth 300 horsepower and more than exports, a total of 37 units, accounting for 18.23% of total exports; additional horsepower exports a smaller amount.

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